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SES Assembly Year 5&6: 13 June 2017

The musical revue, The Case of the Missing Parts of Speech, starring Year 5 and Year 6 children, was presented on Tuesday, June 13, to parents, teachers and students. This play was a collaborative effort of Mr Thomson, Mrs Taylor and their classes, and was the culminating activity for this term’s combined Drama classes. All students had an important role to play, either as director, sound technician, or as actors and singers.

During the play, Professor McMertrue (Tanisha) has lost a part of speech. Detective Hargraves (Noa) and his trusty bloodhound, Hector (Luke), work together with nouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, connectives, prepositions, verbs and interjections to find the missing part of speech. Each of the twelve scenes featured a song about a different part of speech. In the end, Detective Hargraves and his company help Professor McMertrue find the common noun, glasses, under her hat, and her speech is complete. Bravo, Year 5 and 6 students! They would like to express their appreciation to parents, teachers and students who supported their efforts with their attendance.
At the end of the play, children were honoured who will be moving away from SES in the coming school year. We have certainly enjoyed having these students with us, and we will miss each one in the future!