MUN (Model United Nations) is an extracurricular activity in which students debate and create solutions about world problems. In SESMUN 2018, (Surabaya European School Model United Nations) there were two councils: United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which focused on child labour; and General Assembly (GA), which focused on cyber warfare. In SESMUN, we encouraged students to speak publically, socialize and learn skills in debating.
Surabaya European School students have been participating in Model United Nations (MUN) conferences for the past three years. We especially wanted to introduce this programme to inexperienced and younger students as there are very limited opportunities for students to participate in conferences especially in Surabaya and Indonesia in general. Through this initiative, we wished to continue to develop relationships with other schools, as well as create an opportunity to share what we have learnt and be able to debate with students from different schools, and encourage young students from as young as eleven to socialise and broaden their perspectives and views on our world.
We provided a memorable experience to fellow students, not only to speak up on their own, but to solve problems and improvise for the future. We believe that through MUN, students not only gain skills and recognition important decisions such as applying to schools in the future.