On Friday, September 14th, the Surabya European School swim team, better known as the Aqua Tigers, took part in a Swimathon to raise money for the organisation Kopernika. This money will be used to buy basic shelter for homeless families and secure basic necessities for the displaced. Each child taking part tried to swim as many laps as they could in the 1.5hr time limit. The swimmers consisted of Year 2s all the way up to our Year 10s. In total the swimmers swam 2640 laps and raised Rp61juta. The distance that the team covered (87km) was more than the distance that it would take to travel by sea from Java to Bali and then Bali to Lombok. A special thank you to all the parents that helped to support this event and make it a real success. The following is a list of the children from Year 2 to 10 that took part: