Welcome Back to School
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to the the start of a new academic year which, I hope will be an exciting learning journey for everyone. I am sure that you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday and are ready for the challenges of 2017-2018. Whether you are a new or returning family, it is a great pleasure to have you in our community.
I know that you will welcome and support our new staff who have joined us. Mrs Liza is teaching Year 4 as well as being Deputy Principal/Head of Primary. Mr Paul is teaching Year 5 and Mr Mike is our new PE teacher. We hope they will enjoy their time with us.
It remains an honour and privilege to serve as your principal and be part of a community where parents, teachers and students work together to develop both academic and social growth. We have a strong partnership and together, I know that we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all children. If you have any questions or comments please ask.
Class Teachers (Primary) and Tutors (Secondary) should be the first point of contact for general matters with your child(ren). Academic issues should be addressed to the relevant subject teacher. You can contact Mrs Liza regarding primary matters as she is the Head of that section. Mrs Tehmine, Mrs Aulia and I are also available should you wish to speak with us.
I am looking forward to a successful, productive and enjoyable year!
Yours sincerely,
Nick Rowdene