World Book Day
It was a bright, clear Tuesday morning when a group of people dressed in strange clothes and costumes. Many of the smaller people were holding hands with adults.
My mind was racing with curiosity. Who were these strange characters and why were they carrying books?? I decided to report the strange sight immediately to the management of the school.
Imagine the sigh of relief when we all realised that it was World Book Day… and all the children and staff had been encouraged to ‘dress up’ as a book character!
The children all met in their classrooms before parading through the school to the meeting room for Ms Nicky’s assembly. The secondary students gave wonderful performances with performances and readings from a range of different works including Shakespeare. Aiko also read out her own composition which was well received. Children from Elementary demonstrated their skills by reading from their favourite books, the audience demonstrated their pleasure by a wonderful round of applause.
On return to their classrooms, the children in each class took part in – THE BIG READ. Everyone in the school read a chosen book for an extended period of time without interruption. The class was the quietest place to be during this time. Wonderful!
Following lunchtime, Students from secondary visited Year 5 and 6 in Primary, whilst Year 4 students visited Year 2’s and Year 3 visited Year 1’s. They all shared and read books together. It was a great opportunity for the older students to pass on their learning as well as reminisce about their early days in school. It was also a positive experience for the younger pupils to experience sharing literature with older peers.