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Active Planet in Year 4A

Learning using the ACTIVE PLANET unit in Year 4


After the whole school earthquake drill teams of Year 4 children made detailed plans about how the school can be used as an earthquake evacuation centre.


What do we know about the ACTIVE PLANET and what do we want to learn? A chance to ask some good questions to extend our learning.


Giving the children the BIG PICTURE about their learning in the ACTIVE PLANET unit: all very relevant as we live in the Ring of Fire.


  • To be able to carry out an investigation.
  • To be able to suggest ways to collect evidence.
  • To be able to make predictions and measurements.
  • To be able to draw conclusions from results.

A ‘sticky’ investigation to test the viscosity of different liquids, linking to our learning about different types of lava. After discussing the concept of viscosity, the children predicted which material would be the slowest/most viscous and then tested the different liquids.


  • To be able to design and make products to meet specific needs.
  • To be able to identify and implement improvements to their designs and products.

The children enjoyed designing and making tall structures, using marshmallows and skewers, that could stay standing in the event of an earthquake (or shaking jelly!). They considered and made improvements to their designs and tested the structure with a second earthquake.


  • To be able to use different materials and techniques appropriate to the task.
  • The children demonstrated cooperation and collaboration to make and decorate 3D volcanoes.


  • To be able to use geographical terms.
  • To be able to use secondary sources to obtain geographical information.

Throughout the unit, the children learned a lot of new geographical knowledge and vocabulary and were able to use the vocabulary in context. In their research, using a range of secondary sources, and record tasks they became more able to use geographical terms to describe different aspects of earthquakes and volcanoes.


  • To know about the lives of people and main events in Roman times.

The children investigated life in Roman times and used their enquiry skills to ask questions about pictures to find new knowledge. They enjoyed dramatising scenes in the streets of Pompeii before the eruption of Vesuvius. They linked this drama to story writing, using the story Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit.


The children and parents enjoyed celebrating the ACTIVE PLANET learning with their parents and watching their volcanoes erupt.


Year 4 shared their ACTIVE PLANET learning with all the Primary children and parents at the Year 4 class assembly, singing the earthquake song and performing a lesson to demonstrate their learning about earthquakes.

Year 2 Field Trip to Kebun Bibit

The Year 2 were extremely excited to be going on their class trip to Kebun Bibit. It was an hour to get there, but they kept busy by watching movies on the way.

 When we arrived it was time for a snack, before beginning our work for the morning. We walked through the park and looked at the different habitats within the local environment. We then proceeded to draw pictures of the animals, as well as their habitats. The students enjoyed feeding the deer and trying to pat them.

After this, it was time to play on the different playgrounds that were situated around the park. The merry-go-round and the monkey bars were a big hit.

A quick stop for a picnic lunch and then back on the bus to go back to school. Another surprise on return to school, by enjoying an ice cream before relaxing in the library till home time.

Year 5 Field Trip to Goa Maharani

On Wednesday 28th February, 13 excited children arrived at school early to depart on their class trip to Goa Maharani.  Some people travelled in the school car and the others in the bus.  Upon arrival, the excited children gathered to collect their entrance wrist band, then walked keenly through the animal enclosures to the cave entrance.  Inside the cave the children took time to choose formations to sketch and eagerly discussed how they had been formed over time.  After visiting the cave the children were impressed with the gemstone collection. The ‘big cats’ enclosure was the perfect place for lunch and the children were careful not to share their lunches with the lions and tigers.  With stomachs full they took time to visit other animals and stopped for an ice-cream before returning to the bus.  The children kept themselves busy on the journey home playing memory games and watching movies.  Safely back in the arms of their parents, the children excitedly retold the events of the day.

Year 4 Field Trip

The Year 4 children enjoyed their IPC Entry Point Habitats walk to the Pakuwon pond. They excitedly observed and sketched living things on the land and in the pond and  sky. We were lucky to see shrimps, fish, lilies, lotus flowers and a frog in the pond. Many dragonflies and birds flew above their heads and they managed to avoid the resident flock of geese. They observed and sketched the different shapes of the trees around the pond. All the children were very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions, showing a lot of the IPC Personal Goal, Enquiry. These questions will be used to enhance their learning throughout the unit Land, Sea and Sky. The children also demonstrated a very caring attitude towards their environment, as they enthusiastically identified rubbish on the side of the road and in the pond. It was collected and disposed off properly leaving the area leading up to and around the Pakuwon pond a more attractive, safer and litter free environment. 

Year 6 Field Trip

As the exit point to the IPC unit Making the News, Year 6 students went on a field trip that took them to a radio station and newspaper office. The trip began at the radio station EBS 105.9 FM, where students experienced what it would be like to work as a radio announcer. They were excited to see how much fun people have at work! After the radio station, students enjoyed a lovely lunch break at The Goods Diner. Students’ next stop was at Jawa Pos, where they saw the life cycle of one newspaper. (Photos were taken and students were featured in the paper the next day!) Within the same floor as the newspaper offices, students were able to visit DBL, where they were greeted warmly upon their arrival. They enjoyed seeing amazing basketball gear and hearing all about DBL. It was a fabulous day that the students will remember!